Sunday, 10 July 2016

Tension and Ten-son !!

I was and I am troubling with some of the very easy Definition.(Not jumble in words like tension and ten-son !!)When it is the time of Description I Can manage but when it's question to be particular to words I am so confused, I think at my age it's happened with all. so I share here some of the definitions.

  • Quantity: How much there is or how many there are of something that you can 
  • Elongation: An addition to the length of something.
  • Deformation: Alternation in the shape or dimensions of an object as a result of the application stress to it.

  • Stress: Force that produces strain on a physical body.
  • Strain: Deformation of a physical body under the action of applied forces.
  • Shrinkage: Process, or result of becoming less or smaller
  • Creep: A slow longitudinal movement or deformation 
  • Inelastic: Not able to adjust readily to different conditions.
  • Tension: A stress that produces an elongation of an Elastic physic body.
  • Shear:The Influence that Produces a change in a Physical Quantity.
  • Force: The influence that produce a change in a physical quantity

  • Creep in concrete: progressive increase in the inelastic deformation of concrete under sustained stress component.
  • Shrinkage in concrete: Contraction of concrete on drying.
  • Creep co-officiant: The ratio of the total creep strain to elastic strain in concrete.
  • Cracking load: The load on the structural elements corresponding to the first visible crack.

Saturday, 25 June 2016


            Civil engineering without concrete, how it look? today we have more options but some materials have its own values.Same as there is one more material; a composite material which known as a concrete without it also we feel like there is missing something;let's see about it today.

 concrete is the composition material made from primarily with aggregate, cement, and water. Versatility, durability, and economy have made it the world's most used construction materials.
It's used in highways, streets, parking lots, parking garage, bridges, high-rise buildings and numerous other application.


concrete comes from the latin word 'concretus' which means to grow. It is a heterogeneous mixture of any solid mass made by use of a cementing medium the ingredients generally comprises sand, gravel, cement and water having well-defined properties. concrete is widely used for making architectural, structures, foundations, brick/block walls, pavements, bridges/overpasses etc.


  • Durability under hostile environment
  • It can be mould into variety of shaper
  • relative economy and easy availability
  • compression bearing capacity
  • it shows the versatility

  1. Ordinary concrete                           M10 TO M20
  2. Standard concrete                           M25 TO M55
  3. High strength concrete                   >M60
      So here we see what is concrete, basic characteristics of concrete and types of concrete as per IS 456;2000.Please share it to more because sometimes a simple word also being a complicated for others.

Friday, 17 June 2016

Functional Requirements of Foundation

 Previously we see what is foundation and Requirements of the good foundation, so more than it is the functional requirement of foundation which shown as below.

The functional requirements of the foundation and oversite concrete are:

  • strength and stability 
  • Resistance to ground moisture 
  • Resistance to the passage of heat

            The requirements of the Building Regulations are, as regards ‘Loading’, that ‘The building shall be so constructed that the combined, dead, imposed and wind loads are sustained and transmitted to the ground safely and without causing such deflection or deformation of any part of the building, or such movement of the ground, as will impair the stability of any part of another building’ and as regards ‘ground movement’ that ‘The building shall be so constructed that movements of the subsoil caused by swelling, shrinkage or freezing will not impair the stability of any part of the building’.

         A foundation should be designed to transmit loads of the building to the ground so that there is, at most, only a limited settlement of the building into the ground. A building whose foundation is on the sound rock will suffer no measurable settlement whereas a building on the soil will suffer settlement into the ground by the compression of the soil under the foundation loads.

      Foundations should be designed so that settlement into the ground is limited and uniform under the whole of the building. Some settlement of a building on a soil foundation is inevitable as the increasing loads on the foundation, as the building is erected, compress the soil. This settlement should be limited to avoid damage to service pipes and drains connected to the building. Bearing capacities for various rocks and soils are assumed and these capacities should not be exceeded in the design of the foundation to limit settlement.

       In theory, if the foundation soil were uniform and foundation bearing pressure were limited, the building would settle into the ground uniformly as the building was erected, and to a limited extent, and there would be no possibility of damage to the building or its connected services or drains. In practice, there are various possible ground movements under the foundation of a building that may cause one part of the foundation to settle at a different rate and to a different extent than another part of the foundation.

Reference :
 ISBN 81-7671-001-6

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Foundation in Engineering


       Another dangerous word for us is a foundation.Without this, any of the situation may not happen,whether we are thinking of the study we need some strong basic that is known as a foundation of our career.In the makeup of life or make of structure, we require the foundation.A good enough foundation is the necessity to a Good structure. So the first question arises what is foundation?What is the use of it? The requirement for the Good foundations are what?

The foundations of buildings bear on and transmit loads to the ground.The foundation is that part of walls, piers, and columns in direct contact with and transmits loads to the ground.The principal foundation type is the strip, pad, raft, and pile foundations as illustrated.

strap foundation is a continues strip of concrete under walls, a pad an isolated base under piers  and columns, a raft a continuous base under the whole building, and a pile concrete column or pillar cast in or driven into the ground to support a concrete base or ground beam.

The ground is the general term for the earth's surface,which varies in composition within the two main groups, rocks, and soils.Rocks include the hard, rigid ,rocks and soils

Requirements for good foundation:

A foundation to serve its purpose needs to satisfy the following criteria.
  1. The foundations should sustain the dead and imposed loads and transmit these to the sub-soil in such a way that pressure on it will not cause settlement which would impair the stability of the building or adjoining structures.
  2. The base of the foundation should be rigid so that differential settlements are minimized, especially for the case when superimposed loads are not evenly distributed.
  3. Foundations should be taken sufficiently deep to guard the building against damage or distress caused by swelling-shrinkage of the sub-soil.
  4. Foundations should be so located that its performance may not be affected due to any unexpected future influence.
Types of foundation:

There are two types of foundation
1> shallow foundation
2>  deep foundation

We will see more details about the foundation in next post.keep reading.

Friday, 10 June 2016

Beam and Column

    I am Looking for a basic meaning and some clear vision about the column and beam there I find some good point and an enough stuff about beam and column, Here what I found is:

       Structures are the foundations of a mega city. Structures are mainly in three categories namely steel structures, timber structures, and concrete structures. Large structures, which are in different shapes and in different styles, stand on columns and beams, creating frames in handling different loading arrangements. With the capacity, which the structure is holding, the strength of material, the reinforcement requirements, and the area of the sections varies for both columns and beams.  The columns and beams are differentiated in a variety of ways in the structural design, which are going to be analyzed in this article.
In building structures, columns are connected to different footings to transfer the load of the building to the footings of the building. Columns are classified as slender columns and short columns. The slender columns were introduced with the finding of high strength materials. The column is said to be slender if the cross-sectional dimensions are small compared to its length. The load actions on the slender columns are prominent in the form of lateral deflection.

The columns are classified as short columns when the condition is opposite to that of slender columns. In practice, short columns are widely used than slender columns. In short columns, compression action dominates above the bending action.
In concrete columns,  whether slender or short, the main reinforcements are used parallel to the vertical loads, and rectangular or circular ties are used to prevent the bars buckling action. The vertical reinforcement has to be erected straight while pouring concrete.

Beams in a structure is used to carry the loads from the slabs to the columns. In a broader context, concrete beams can be classified as T-beams, L beams, and rectangular beams. The definition of either L , T or rectangular is got because of the shape of the cross-sectional area. In steel beams, there are  I- sections, L sections, U-sections etc.
Beams are mainly designed for bending moments and shear stress that are the results of loading. In concrete beams, the transverse reinforcement is used to prevent the bending moments while the vertical reinforcement is used to prevent the shear stresses caused due to loading.
In the industry, pre-stressed concrete beams are widely used in Bridges, while in small scale in houses. The advantage of the prestressed beam is the higher load carrying capacity compared to the normal beam.
Columns vs Beams
- Both, the beams and columns are load carrying elements but differ in the method or the way of handling the load by each member. That means the columns bear the compression of the load, whereas  beams bear the bending moment and the shear force of the load.
- Similar materials are used in the construction of columns and beams, which are steel, timber, and concrete.
- A building can’t stand without columns but a building can stand without beams.
- Design classifications of beams and columns are different. The column is classified as slender or short, while beams are classified as T,L or rectangular.
- The ties of the columns and the ties or shear reinforcement of beams act differently.
- One should be careful in stating the behavior of each because the behaviors of the two elements are different.


Sunday, 5 June 2016

World Environment day

         World Environment day we wish to all there is a lot of competition and awareness seminars and programs are held then the situation of the environment is same as a previous year and more worst than today.We have the society of Engineers who find some solutions and we apply it in our regular day also.Then what is the reason why we haven't the world we want ? One of the 8-year-old students
 says as following picture shows.

She actually knows the situation of the world.We don't need to celebrate this day for one day only,we need to apply it in our regular life also.We need to help trees, trees will help us.What we are doing is we plant a tree, we generate a solution,we create some renewable sources then we forget what we have already and a next year again we set a goal regarding find some more solution, generate more application and even plant more trees.Instead of this, We need to care about what we have. Gandhi Ji says

I hope so we can care about the environment, we can think green care green wish my all readers happy World Environment day.

Saturday, 4 June 2016


    From the beginning of engineering we listen to a word 'load'.The importance of the load and more than that type of here I try to elaborate the word load and it's typed.

A heavy or bulky thing that is being carried or is about to be carried is known as a load.In another word A, weight or source of pressure borne by someone or something is a load.The below Picture shows what load is.

 Structural members must be designed to support specific loads. Loads are those forces for which a structure should be proportioned. Loads that act on the structure can be divided into three categories.
  1. Dead loads
  2. Live loads
  3. Environmental loads

Dead Loads:
Dead loads are those that are constant in magnitude and fixed in location throughout the lifetime of the structure. It includes the weight of the structure and any permanent material placed on the structure, such as roofing, tiles, walls etc. They can be determined with a high degree of accuracy from the dimensions of the elements and the unit weight of the material.

Live loads:
Live loads are those that may vary in magnitude and may also change in location. Live loads consist chiefly occupancy loads in buildings and traffic loads in bridges. Live loads at any given time are uncertain, both in magnitude and distribution.

Environmental loads:
Consists mainly of snow loads, wind pressure and suction, earthquake loads (i.e inertial forces) caused by earthquake motions. Soil pressure on a subsurface portion of structures loads from possible ponding of rainwater on flat surfaces and forces caused by temperature differences. Like live loads, environmental loads at any given time are uncertain both in magnitude and distribution.

Friday, 3 June 2016

Which career is for me?


        I think much more time about right career, may we all think and rethink the whole life about our career.we people always try to impress society directly or/and indirectly. At one point society decides the life of us. At each and every phase of life, we think which thing make me best instead of in what I am best. We never think we are best at our place. As Albert Einstein says 

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.

      we need to live in a miracle, we need to accept I am different from my siblings, I am different from my friends. I am an individual personality who is different from all the peoples of this world. So how can my career will be same? 

       Recently I meet with a person who had the degree of engineer completed his 3 years in architecture in CEPT and he had to draw back within his father's family business. That is a need-based career he chooses, but what I learn from him is don't go up with flow take your passion in your profession might be he is not the best in his career but he knows how to live with passion, the organization of office shows what he learn in his architecture and engineering degree time. he has the satisfaction with his life he is not just stopping his professional life within that region office only he makes his life with every single day with innovation what the actual meaning of an engineer. The sentence which I like the most is "DO YOUR BEST" at any field you are you have to at the top he says.

     Let we think I have fun in only playing video games and as a parents our father or mother or they both get tired and tries to say us "grow up my kid" that one person who constantly listen this type of sentence may get the career in field of video we never say any skill is which you teach in schools and colleges. That may be the art of your cooking that makes you a chef. But the whole journey to prove yourself better in your professional life take too much time that's the reason people leave that job and accept the ordinary job.

   So which career is for me? or which career is right for me? is the wrong question here all careers are right.But a choice is yours which is your interest?  Is there any questions related this please ask within comments.

Saturday, 28 May 2016


           The first question ever comes in mind when we call or say engineering is that what is it when we say, doctor, we have an image of doctor, teacher, lawyer or any manager so what actually Engineers do lacks of student choose the field of engineering want to became engineer they get succeed too, but again and again what the engineering is ?

    Here in technical terms  'The branch of science and technology concerned with the design, building, and use of engines, machines, and structures' and 'The action of working artfully to bring something about.'so we can say Engineering is the process of envisioning, inventing, creating and building the world around us.

For example, they use:

  • Brick,steel and glass to design and build buildings
  • Earth, rock, cement and asphalt to design and build roads and roadway systems
  • wood, aluminium and new composite materials to design and build cars, airplanes and jets
  • Earth moving plans to design and build tunnels and dams 
  • Engineering technology to solve and prevent medical problems by creating artificial limbs, artificial valves for the heart, various types of sensors for the blind and Saftey equipment and firefighters.
  • The principles of chemistry to solve problems involving the production or use of chemicals and biochemicals
  • Knowledge of the properties of light to build laser and the physiology of the body to design products that are comfortable and safe to use.

               In summary, Engineering is the creative and purposeful use of scientific Knowledge to design and develop systems that make our lives easier, safer and more entertaining.It shapes the world that we live in and also the way we live.It is indispensable for the human being since it is the propelling force behind the civilizations.

Sunday, 1 May 2016

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